and the best part, I can bake Red Velvet Cake...yummy..hohohoho after this xnak makan red velvet kat luar yang terlebih manis, because i suka topping dia cheesy not very sweet macam cake house bake..and my cake is very moist with the cheesy topping and rasa chcocolate a bit sour, sweet ..oh my it's heaven..besides modal only RM50 but if u buy 1KG cake..lebih kurang i can bake anytime..mama and alif love it so much..ayah too..but ayah prefer my moist chocolate cake with chocolate topping ..yummy..okey demok shut up...=P
every cake house they will sale RM13.50 per slice...jimatkan bila sudah pandai bake sendiri..
after this i can save my money for other things macam beli buku...or kumpul duit for my PHD...muahhhaha...semester 1 master pon belum habis yer Izyan...yup, i can bake my favorite food now..Alhamdulillah...
Izyan Ismail
P/S: after this i nak try kuih buah melaka, and homemade chocolate..but I'm in the programme The Biggest diet and work out..
Izyan Ismail
P/S: after this i nak try kuih buah melaka, and homemade chocolate..but I'm in the programme The Biggest diet and work out..
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